Stories related to us by your teachers after you passed sweet Angel

Created by Carol 9 years ago
"Jack was twice in my class at HSE, first as a sophomore in English 10 and most recently this fall in senior composition. He had an remarkable gift for captivating an audience, and his classmates clung to his every word when he got up to speak. He made us laugh this fall during his senior valedictory as he perfectly imitated the articulations of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Morgan Freeman before launching into his movie trailer voice to round out the presentation. My favorite memory of Jack will always be, however, from about a three week span in English 10 when the class read the Greek play "Antigone." We doled out parts, and Jack was quick to jump on the role of Creon, King of Thebes. To that point he'd kept his head fairly low in my class, but the dialogue soon showed Jack in a whole new light! The moment he opened his mouth to portray the thundering, obstinate king, there was no turning back. Jack was unbelievable in that role. He had classmates (and me, admittedly) charged up each and every day for another rousing performance. Jack was so animated, so passionate. Since that year, he has been the pillar against which all future King Creons are judged, and I don't see that changing! Every time I teach the Greek classic, Jack will be at the forefront of my mind." – Kelsey Habig, English teacher, Fishers, IN, Apr 03, 2014 "I just learned of Jack's passing. My heart breaks for all of you. I was Jack's 3rd grade teacher, and I have such fond memories of Jack as a student! He was so incredibly smart! He was the best speller I ever had in class, and I used to tell him I would look for him in the National Spelling Bee some day! :) I loved his sense of humor and his kindness towards all of his classmates. Jack was a great kid and I know he loved all of his family, especially all of his siblings! I remember him making stuff for his "Pop-pop" for Grandparent's Day and I thought that was an awesome name for a grandfather! My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for your loss." – Somer Compton, Teacher , Fishers, IN, May 16, 2014